We offer advertising solutions for the needs of every business. Set a monthly budget that works for your business

Promote to like minded audience

Set a monthly budget that works for your business It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

With our advertising options, you’re in charge of your ad display and how you will be charged. Never pay more than your monthly budget cap, and you can tell us to stop your ad at any time.

Display your Ads to Potential Prospects visiting ISD portal

India Speaks Daily is one of the most popular News portal Display your Ads to Potential Prospects visiting ISD portal 

Unique visitors monthly across mobile & desktop
Paid Members & Subscribers will view your Ad
Added everymonth and promoted through Twitter / Telegram, Instagram, and Facebook platforms for maximum exposure

Advertising Rates on ISD portal

Ads Option

Cost (*GST Addl.)

Set-up Cost (*GST Addl.)

In-Live Streaming Advertising Have a product you want to promote in one of our Live news sessions to our audience? We can promote your product(s) /service(s) in our Live news streaming either as Ads runner or play video. In-Live Streaming costs Rs. 10,000 per product per session.
Video per view Have a video you want to promote? This one is for you to get maximum reach and exposure. 0.50 paisa to Rs. 5 per view based on the brand, duration, and client’s budget One-time campaign initiation fee of Rs. 5000
Sponsored Post Looking to publish a sponsored post on our News portal? It will be Rs. 5000/- per post. Rs. 2500 additional for a 750 words post in case we write in either Hindi/English. (Two links to client’s website) -
Video Interview Want us to conduct an interview and further promote the video? Per video view will be application for the video promotion. Rs.10,000/- Per interview.
In-Audio Clip Ads Want listeners to hear your product/service promotional ad? .25 paisa to Rs. 2 per view based on the brand, duration, and client’s budget. One-time campaign initiation fee of Rs. 5000.
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram Sponsored Posts Looking to publish a sponsored posts on ISD Social Networking Profiles? This is one of the most cost effective way to reach thousands of new audience through our network and connections. Contents/images/Ads will be provided by the Advertiser. It will be additional if we are required to write the Ads copy and design ad creatives. It will be Rs. 6500/- per sponsored post.

Connect your product / services with like minded audience!

Contact our team today!