Secretary General, United Nations.
(Ban Ki-Moon),
Christianity and Islam have brought great misery over mankind, killing millions in the name of their god over the centuries. It is absolutely necessary to find out how this could happen. Strangely, Hindus shy away from this task.
Today, every second child in the world is either Christian or Muslim and is indoctrinated into a fixed doctrine that must not be questioned. The followers of Christianity and Islam account now for more than half of the world population, and if those, who can clearly see the dangerous aspects in those doctrines, keep quiet, soon there may be no more chance to speak, and we would have failed humanity in a big way.
What contains this fixed doctrine? I for example ‘knew’ already as a child that I am very lucky that I was born in a Catholic family, because Catholics alone have the true belief and God loves us, because we love his son Jesus who died for our sins, etc.
A Muslim child is probably told something similar – that she is very lucky that she was born in a Muslim family because Islam is the only true belief and Allah loves those who follow Prophet Mohammed’s instructions.
Each of those two religions makes another terrible, untrue claim: all those who don’t belong to their own faith, are damned and will suffer for all eternity in hellfire.
Anybody who is not indoctrinated can see immediately that there is something very dangerous and discriminative in these claims.
The issue is serious. Today’s most pressing problem, Islamic terrorism, has its roots in the claim that infidels are rejected by Allah. ISIS and others consider it their duty to rid the earth of such humans. In fact, they don’t see them even as humans, but rather as sub-humans, because then it is easy to kill them.
Christians, too, see it as their duty to ‘save’ Hindus and in the process, uproot them from their tradition and make them look down on it and on their Hindu neighbours. Even if they lose faith in Christianity later, it will be almost impossible for them to value again their ancestors. (Europe is an example).
Hindus are called ‘idol worshipper’. Idol worship is the worst sin for both Christianity and Islam. This label has done great harm. Hindus who are killed seem to matter far less compared to Christians or Muslims. We need only watch the news to know that it’s true or go back into history.
I would earnestly request Hindu representatives at the International Convention to include in the ‘Universal Declaration on the welfare of humanity’ a request to the UN to take up the issue of religious discrimination by the Christian and Islamic doctrines and to direct those religions to stop telling their followers and especially their children that those who worship the Supreme in different ways, are less human and will suffer eternally unless they convert.
Alternatively, the Indian government could be requested to coordinate with countries that are neither Christian nor Muslim, like Japan, China, Thailand, etc. and lobby with the UN for this undoubtedly reasonable request. This is not a religious issue. It is about safeguarding their citizens from being unfairly defamed and from hate-crimes which are the natural outcome from such unacceptable discrimination.
It is urgent, because indoctrination into disdain and even hate especially for Hindus is daily happening and efforts are on by Islamic countries to ban any criticism of Islam. Unofficially, many have already imposed a ban on themselves due to political correctness. We need to act before it is too late.
China is wary of anti-national activities in the garb of religion. Christianity is fastest growing religion there, plus they have problems with Muslims. Japan, too, is wary and India also is very wary without really saying it.
When Muslim countries can lobby for a ban on criticism of Islam, can Hindus/Buddhists/Atheists lobby for an end to harmful, baseless discrimination? It would require that we make clear that a book can never contain the “full truth”, neither the Veda, nor Bible nor Quran. If they bring misery on mankind, they need to be scrutinized. This cannot be construed as a religious issue.
We would draw your particular attention to what Maria has said in concluding the appeal:
It is urgent, because indoctrination into disdain and even hate especially for Hindus is daily happening and efforts are on by Islamic countries to ban any criticism of Islam. Unofficially, many have already imposed a ban on themselves due to political correctness. We need to act before it is too late.
We would Sir look forward to hearing back from you.
Yours sincerely,
D.C. Nath
(Former Spl. Director, IB & President, Patriots’ Forum)
Note: The Patriots Forum is a Delhi-based think-tank with the primary objective to preserve and protect our Indic civilisation against multi-faceted threats.