An example of sheer insensitivity of elite class has come to light.
The Times of India reported that a woman, who got married to a Bengaluru-based Google employee in early February, had traveled to Italy, Greece and France and arrived at Mumbai on February 27 and flew back to Bengaluru.
On March 7, her husband tested positive for coronavirus and both were quarantined in Bengaluru. Later, she informed to her parents about her situation and allegedly at her husband’s request, escaped to Agra on March 8. She booked Bengaluru-New Delhi flight and later a train to her parental home.
This highly educated woman did not realise that she could infect the passengers sitting near to her in two rows back, front and side of the flight, and also the train she took to Agra from Delhi.
Because of her insensitivity and mindlessness, the woman forced the Agra railway authorities along with district administration to start the process of sanitizing the railway station and coaches.
Not only this, her family also misbehaved with health officials who had visited their house. They could move all the eight members of the family to isolation wards, only after police and district magistrate’s intervention.
They belong to the elite class tutored by convent educational system, which was brought to India in 1835 by Lord Macauley. This education fails to develop a positive personality, create moral conscience and impart ethical training, but breeds insensitivity to a large extent.
There, however, is one person who values ancient wisdom of India, and that is Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In all probability, he must have put this to good use, that in a very large country as India with a staggering population, only two deaths have occurred due to coronavirus so far, whereas, an Oxford tutored Manmohan Singh, as a Prime Minister, failed to save as many as 1,800 lives who had died due to Swine Flu pandemic in 2009-10.
This commendable work should be a learning for the world leaders that they are looking up to Modi to fight the pandemic disease. A few days back British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called Modi to discuss the coordinated international efforts required to tackle the spread of deadly coronavirus.
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also had a telephonic conversation with Modi to discuss about fighting the disease. He requested Modi to approve and allow the export of masks and pharmaceutical raw materials to Israel.
Modi on March 13 proposed to convene a video conference of South Asian Association Regional Cooperation (SAARC) nations to discuss about tackling the deadly coronavirus pandemic.
The Prime Minister also has sent the Indian Airforce personnel to Iran to bring back Indians, some of them belong to a particular community who call Modi a killer of Muslims.
Modi, whose Defence Minister Rajnath Singh was flayed by dim-wit left-liberal cabal for performing Shastra Pooja on Rafale Jet, should be rolling on the chairs for watching world leaders greeting one another with a tradional Namste.
US President Donald Trump greeted Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar in the traditional Indian way of ‘namaste’ at the White House on March 12, which he said was necessary in the current times of coronavirus. He also said India, along with Japan, were ahead of the curve.
French President Emmanuel Macron too greeted Spain’s king and queen with Namaste. Netanyahu told Israelis to adopt Namaste to maintain personal hygiene at all times.
Prince Charles also greeted people with Namste, a video of which has gone viral on social media. But, one must remind His Highness, that it was one of his men, who had destroyed the traditional culture and values of India.