Shouldn’t Modi, Amit Shah Adopt This Formula?
While Delhi was burning, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was roaring on news camera, challenging rioters. They sat timidly and shuddered to come out of their homes. It was because of Yogi’s superhit formula, which neither advocated caning nor firing, but the rioters had suffered deep wounds.
In fact, before Delhi riots erupted, Lucknow also had witnessed riots, in which the police could not take action, because the rioters were shielded by women and children. However, Yogi found out another way. He shot videos and photos of the rioters and pasted them all on the hoardings.
Thereafter, the district administrators assessed the damages caused to the public and private properties and issued notices to the rioters. Many cases were filed in the courts, which left the rioters high and dry. Their friends and relatives started to shun them and those who bought these rioters by offering them Biryani, fled to Delhi and Aligarh with great difficulty as their photos were pasted on the hoardings.
Now, the courts have begun to collect fines from the rioters for causing damage to properties. Their parents are cursing them for bringing insult to their family and snatching their peace. The hooligans are straying away like the severed kites. They are cursing the moment, when they were provoked by Jamaia and Aligarh protesters to set their cities on fire. The fire, however, has doused down, but its heat is scorching their lives.
Formula Number 2
Yogi not only has a formula for the rioters, but also for criminals, who shiver at UP police name. Soon after forming the government, the police encountered a large number of history-sheeters and criminals, belonging to a special section of the society, who tried to raise ruckus. This action enraged a half-baked politician belonging to an ill-repute party, as his vote-bank politics was getting battered.
He blamed the police for targeting one community and shed crocodile’s tears. Before this noise could become louder, police changed their strategy. The police, now, are not shooting the criminals down, but firing at their legs and nabbing them, after they had received bullet injuries.
Police say this formula is working wonders for them. Fearing getting hit by bullets on their legs, many criminals are taking refuge in Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and Rajastha, where BJP is not ruling. This has resulted in strong law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh.
Full Of Air Though Vanquished
For many days Azam Khan had been running around to save his skin, but when his Rampur empire was about to fall, he, along with his son and wife, climbed the stairs of the court.
Anticipating the imprisonment of their maalik, Azam Khan’s men rushed to the jail with big Chester boxes and bags. After he had crossed over the jail gates, he turned back to waive at his men with a fake smile on his face, but was dismayed to see not a single leader at the jail. It is said, the rats dive into the ocean before the ship sinks.
However, Azam Khan’s authority had not vanished. As soon as he entered the jail, he was welcomed by prison officials. When this news reached Lucknow, Yogi ordered for shifting Azam Khan to Sitapur in wee hours of next morning.
After reaching Sitapur jail, Azam Khan began to feel the imprisonment. Soon, the prison authorities made him realise that it was not Akhilesh Yadav’s rule, but Yogi Adityanath’s. He compromised with this fact and vowed to observe silence. But, sooner than later, he broke it.
Next day when he was being transliterated from Sitapur to Rampur for the court hearing, he cried before the news cameras, alleging that he was being treated as a terrorist in the jail. This isn’t an unusual reaction, but just a beginning.
Slowly, Azam Khan will get used to the jail habits, because he has many days of imprisonment left. Though he has succeeded in getting relief in some cases due to some submissive officials and sympathizers, but the list of the cases against him is pretty long.
It is time for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah to take a cue from Yogi, to curb rioters from creating a mayhem, which was just witnessed in Delhi riots, in which as many as 43 people, belonging to Hindu and Muslim communities, died.