West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has fired a fresh salvo at Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar. She claimed that he was named in the chargesheet of the Jain Hawala case.
Here we must understand why Mamata Banerjee is desperate to trap Dhankar with false allegations
Actually she is trying to prevent him from discharging his duties. And the reason for this is that Dhankar has made some pointers in his address copy, which he is supposed to read at the State Assembly on July 2.
And we all know what Dhankar is going to address. He is going to talk about his visits to violence-hit areas and the collapse of law and order and democracy in West Bengal.
This is what is bothering Mamata Banerjee.
Not only this, she is also worried about her defeat in the election. If she doesn’t win, she has to resign as the chief minister. She had lost Nandigram.
And this is the reason why mamta banerjee is demanding formation of legislative Council in West Bengal so that she can be appointed as the MLC and continue as Chief Minister.
But, Dhankar at all costs is not going to allow the formation of legislative Council.
So, Dhankar is a stumbling block for mamta banerjee in the road towards her becoming the chief minister.
The centre is also tightening the screws on mamta banerjee government from all fronts – judiciary, ED, women’s commission, NHRC, for her failure to maintain law and order.
The centre is also having plans to divide West Bengal just like it did in Jammu and Kashmir to bring law and order.
It plans to give Union territory status to North Bengal and merge some South Bengal districts in neighboring states.
Therefore, Mamata Banerjee is furious and making such false allegations.