The budget session of the Parliament resumed on Tuesday after a continued logjam over the Adani-Hindenburg issue. The Parliament started on January 31 and since then, the Opposition has been demanding a discussion on the Adani stock meltdown, causing disruption in both Houses. Lok Sabha on Tuesday took up the debate on the Motion of Thanks on President’s speech amid protests by some Opposition members. Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi addressed the lower house and slammed the Centre for allegedly favouring the Adani Group. This led to a huge commotion as members of the ruling party objected to the Congress leader’s comments.
Opposition members, except the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), had today agreed to participate in House proceedings after three days of disruptions due to protests over Adani issue.
Earlier on Monday, the Houses were set for a discussion on the President’s address. However, ruckus ensued soon after the proceedings started. Opposition MPs staged a protest at the Gandhi statue on Parliament premises in Delhi, demanding a joint parliamentary committee (JPC) or Supreme Court-monitored probe into the allegations of stock manipulation by the Adani Group. Both Houses were subequently adjourned as no discussions could take place.