India has come out strong on the personal attacks made against French President Emanuel Macron by countries like Turkey and Pakistan vis a vis his stand on radical Islam. India has categorically expressed its strong objection to the ‘unacceptable language ‘that has been used against the French President.
“We strongly deplore the personal attacks in unacceptable language on President Emmanuel Macron in violation of the most basic standards of international discourse, the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement.
On October 16, a 47 year old French school teacher was beheaded by a 18 year old Chechan refugee in France, days after he had shown caricatures of Prophet Muhammad to his students. The whole act of showing the caricatures was reportedly a part of a class to demonstrate ‘freedom of expression ‘in France and Muslim students had been given an option to not attend the class.
Strongly condemning the murder, French President Emmanuel Macron had said, “We will continue… We will defend the freedom that you taught so well and we will bring secularism”. France, the President said, would “not give up cartoons, drawings, even if others back down “.
Following Macron’s statement, countries like Turkey and Pakistan accused him of deliberately pursuing an anti Islamic agenda. Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan even when to the extent of saying that the French President needed a “mental health check “. Iran and Saudi Arabia too condemned the cartoons.
The sheer hypocrisy of Islamic countries like Pakistan and Turkey has once again gotten exposed as they are literally defending a gruesome murder of a teacher in an European country for merely showing the caricatures of Prophet in a class to demonstrate the values of ‘freedom of expression’. He hadn’t even made the cartoons himself, he was just showing them! Instead of condemning the brutal murder of the teacher, these countries have now ganged up against the French President for speaking up strongly against the murder of a citizen by a Muslim youth, under the influence of radical Islam.
And yet, countries like Pakistan and Turkey, especially Pakistan, do not have a word to say when it comes to the brutal treatment of Uighur Muslims in China. Uighur Muslims there are kept in concentration camps, brutally tortured, even killed and their organs are harvested for organ donation procedures. Thousands of mosques in China have been destroyed; the Chinese government is trying to wipe out the very identity of Uighur Muslims . And yet Pakistan has nothing to say about the whole matter. Because obviously, it knows that it is completely financially dependent on China and if it dares to say anything, its very existence is being wiped out.
The global left liberal media, under the strong influence of China’s financial clout, deliberately creates false and misleading issues in countries like India vis a vis Muslims to make Indian citizens rally against their own government. Its selective, biased reporting of stories where the victims are Muslims , its cunning concoction of Dalits and Muslims to portray both as being equally brutalized by the upper caste Hindu and its shameless, hyprocrite silence in cases of brutal crime where the perpetrator is a Muslim and the victim a Hindu, all these factors work towards reinforcing its divisive agenda for creating social unrest in India.
And now France is the new target after the whole Prophet Mohammad caricature episode. And ironically, nobody is talking about the real issue here which is that is it all justified to behead somebody for supposedly hurting religious sentiments? Nobody is discussing that. Rather, it’s already being taken as a given that the killing was justified because that guy was hurting Islamic sentiments. And now the real issue is to publicly shame the French President for supposedly allowing his citizens to insult Islam. So just see how cunningly the entire debate has been turned upside down. And it is precisely this hypocrisy and shamelessness of appeasers of Islam that French President Emmanuel Macron has exposed through his statement.