The elite Dwarkites complain for poor quality roads,street lights,sanitation etc.But they hesitate in excercising Right To Vote.Since 2012 almost every social organisation n political parties have appealed for 100% voting in Dwarka.Bcoz in 2007 hardly 30%votes were polled by the elitist.
In 2016 byelections till 2pm only 15% enlightened Dwarkites participated in voting. The voting percentage in adjoining colonies n villages were around 30% till 2pm.
I would like to remind Dwarkites that the tender for removal of garbage has expired on 31-03-16 n presently this system is working on ventilator provided by Ex-Mla Rajesh Gahlot.He has requested the SDMC to provide vehicles for month or two till retendering.But that date has also expired.
The new tender is not in sight.If Dwarkites dont vote in large numbers then they may be denied of their Right by political leaders.The political parties will support their vote bank or would listen to those who cast votes.
Dwarkite is being presented as Pappu.Dont be Paapu still we have 2.20hrs. Common exercise your Right to Vote or else be prepared to live in stink n garbage.The tender of garbage removal trucks may be delayed n we all have to suffer.
Dont forget “Bacha rota hai to Maa Doodh Pilati hai” usi tarah”neta bhi usi ki sunte hai jo vote deta hai”.
Pls Pls Pls cast your vote.If you dont like the candidates press NOTA button but pls vote for Dwarka.